1. OLYMPIA ARISEN- This installation comprises the video of a female cyborg (performed by an actress Ellie Man) projected onto a ceramic statue. She can be heard saying 'I cannot, see, I cannot hear, I cannot smell, I cannot taste, I cannot touch..yet I exist'. This is a loose reference to the 'Floating man' thought experiment proposed by 11th century philosopher named Avicenna to prove the existence of human self-awareness (or soul). In this context Akbar is using it as a metaphor to compare the lack of apparent self awareness in a cyborg/robot with human consciousness. This piece was shown in the Royal Academy of Arts in 2017. A new original installation will be made on order.
2. SHELLY'S DILEMMA- This installation comprises the video with sound of a male cyborg (performed by Farrukh Akbar) projected onto a ceramic statue. This artwork loosely references Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein'. The concept of 'man makes machine makes man' . This piece was shown at Tate Modern Late Event in 2018. A new original installation will be made on order.
3. An adapted version of the Mock Holographic Cyborg shown at Tate Modern (Cyborg acted by Lawrence Blackman)- 'Art work of the future' 2018.
The mock hologram installations are a combination of a projection and sculpture. They resemble a three dimensional hologram. They are quite unique and complex constructs with a number of stages of development. These stages include: a) Filming a performance based on the criticality of the artwork b) Making a specific ceramic sculpture (free-standing or wall relief) relevant to the theme c) Digitally mapping and combining the different elements to create one physical three dimensional installation. These works have been shown at a number of major galleries including The Royal Academy and Tate Modern, London. They have also been featured in Sky News TV.
Installed at Tate Modern
(cyborg acted by Lawrence Blackman)
British Museum Late Event exhibit (actor was Kamal Akbar)
'Olympus Arisen' Mock Hologram shown at the British Museum Late June 2018